i help women step into their next chapter...
...with confidence, clarity, and courage.
It's an honor to welcome you to my website and to share my story with you. My name is Kathe Crawford, and I'm a pioneer in the coaching industry, with over two decades of experience helping women uncover their truest, most loving, and confident selves.
My journey began when I realized that, despite my achievements and success, I felt unfulfilled and disconnected from my inner wisdom and purpose. I knew there had to be more to life than the rat race, so I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that led me to become a coach, author, and speaker.
Through my own journey and working with countless women, I've learned that the key to a fulfilling life is embracing our inner diamond and allowing it to shine with its full brilliance. I believe that every woman has a unique and beautiful diamond inside her, full of potential and ready to light up the world.
My mission is to help you uncover that diamond and transform your life by providing you with the guidance, tools, and support you need to achieve your dreams and goals. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career or personal life, or simply seeking greater fulfillment and purpose, I'm here to help.
So take a look around my website, explore my coaching programs and retreats, and sign up for a complimentary session with me through the Next Step Navigator (NSN). I can't wait to connect with you and help you discover the next chapter in your journey.
With love and gratitude,
She is the embodiment of the transformation she guides others through.
I have long held an immense admiration for those individuals who continually strive to elevate our industry, and when I think about the pioneers that have not only transformed the way we operate but have set new standards in the process, the name Kathe Crawford instantly springs to mind.
Her work is not just about ushering in change or setting new benchmarks; Kathe embodies the kind of results every human being aspires to, demonstrating that dreams can indeed become realities.
Kathe is undeniably, a force to be reckoned with, yet she possesses a profound gentleness and purity of spirit that sets her apart.
She’s the perfect amalgamation of the softness of a caring friend and the fierce boldness of a warrior.
Her unique energy blend resonates in her work, inspiring and mobilizing people to step into their power and achieve their goals.
David Vox - Brand & Marketing Consultant